Ocean Views Bowl

Ocean Views Bowl


20 fluid ounces

Microwave Safe / Dishwasher Safe / Food & Drink Safe (Non-Toxic)

Waves rolling on top of themselves & crashing along the rocks is like a lullaby to me. When I was almost 1 my family took me to the beach for my first time; it was love at first sight! According to my mom she turned into our tent for a second and I took off running to the water. Momma caught me right before my dumb self went free Will so I’m here to recount the tale!

Every time I visit her she welcomes me home. The Ocean for me has always been a mother, a close friend, a playmate, a Goddess. Catching glimpses of the breathtaking sunset along the cold Atlantic my whole life along with a deep love and affection for the Ocean inspired these pieces!

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